
Visualizing my Solo Travel

Have you ever visualized yourself being on a long journey?

just backpacked with few bucks in your pocket..!
wear something relax and with a clear mind …!
without any expectations on the hotel that you gonna stay at or
with the food if it’s going to be a good one!

…Just being you!!!.. you- alone!?

I just came across this blog;

Thanks to the writer who have given me some courage, and to speak out my mind. =)


Do you really believe in horoscope reading?

I have the interest to venture into some serious business!!! Business is where you must come out with some cash on hand to spend it and in return, you’re supposed to earn back the spending with some extra, which is we call as profit. I’m not sure if I have a lack of confidence in earning profits OR am I worried to spend whatever I’ve left on my hand right now.

So I Googled for my horoscope  “business opportunities for Khumba(Aquarius) 2017.

Silly me? nah!!!… somehow it has given me some confidences!

First of all, I knew whatever the product I’m going to market here is going to be a “hit” !

I’ll be talking soon to you again … Once I knew the terms by the product’s Operation Director (XoX)


Why I Started this Blog?

I like to talk. I like advise people around me, at the same time – I would like them to LISTEN to me!

I’d talk anything that comes in my mind, at times to not so suitable audience!

By writing down the talks- I believe that I can manage not to talk unnecessary things!

I do not want my talks gone by the wind.

I needed to record them down! Diary ? NO !!!
I don’t believe in writing a diary and keeping it secretly! No secret should be written down! Secrets should go to the grave with, “No..No” to diary!

and… ya.. this is why this blog is created! … do you write? What is it about?